среда, 28. новембар 2012.

Here in Serbia we say :"Everything what you can pay with money is cheap"

Wonderful Blog by Joshua Becker - becomingminimalist

Do not judge from mere appearances…” – Edwin Hubbel Chapin
For too long our world has made judgments about others on faulty criteria. As a result, we’ve championed, promoted, and followed some wrong people along the way. We’ve judged others on the color of their skin, symmetry of their cheek bones, salary package, neighborhood of residence, eloquence of speech, designer of clothing, or model of car. We’ve been focused on the wrong things. And have made some terribly awful judgments along the way – both personally and collectively.
Might I take a moment and recommend some new measurements? Some new measurements that are not external in nature, but are internal… measurements that weigh the very heart and soul of humanity. And begin to give us a far better sense of who to trust, who to follow, and who to champion.

20 New Ways to Judge Others.

1. Character in solitude. Our character is best revealed not in the the public eye, but in private. What we do when nobody is looking is the truest mark of our character. And those who display character in the dark will always reflect it in the light.
2. Contentment in circumstance. Often times, contentment remains elusive for both the rich and the poor. It is a struggle for humanity no matter their lot in life. Rich is the man or woman who can find contentment in either circumstance.
3. Courage during adversity. Courage can only be revealed when it is required. And only those who have displayed it and acted upon it during adversity can lay claim to its possession. This adversity can take on many different forms, but courage will always look the same: action in the face of fear.
4. Faithfulness in commitment. Those whose words are true ought to be highly lifted up in our world today. Whether our word is given with a handshake, a contract, or a wedding ring, those who hold true to their oaths are worthy of commendation.
5. Generosity in abundance. To those who have received much, much should be given away. Often times, this abundance comes in forms other than material possessions. And in that way, we each have been given much… and each ought to be generous in our use of it.
6. Graciousness towards others. Those who routinely extend grace to others are among my greatest heroes. They have a healthy realization that this world is largely unfair, that people come from a variety of backgrounds, and that nobody is truly self-made… even themselves. As a result, they are quick to extend grace and mercy to others.
7. Gratitude despite circumstance. Those who can find enough good in any circumstance to express gratitude are typically focused on the right things. And those who are focused on the right things tend to bend their lives towards those things… and draw others along with them.
8. Honesty in deprivation. It is when we are deprived of something desired that honesty is the most difficult. Whether we are deprived of something physical or intangible (like a desired outcome), dishonesty is often used to quickly take gain of something. Those who show honesty during deprivation reveal how highly they esteem it.
9. Hope during heartache. When heartache cuts at such a deep level that simple optimism is not enough… only hope can emerge. When it does, it is undeniably from a source far greater than ourselves. And those who find it, discover one of the greatest powers in the universe.
10. Humility in accomplishment. Those who are quick to deflect praise in accomplishment ought to be first in receiving it.
11. Inspiration in relationship. We are all in relationship with others – sometimes in person, sometimes in print, sometimes in other ways. These relationships should not be used solely for personal gain but for bringing out the best in others. And those who inspire others to become the best they can be should be gifted with more and more and more relationships.
12. Integrity in the details. Integrity is found in the details. Those who show integrity in the little things of life will typically display it in the bigger things as well.
13. Kindness to the weak. It is usually the weakest among us that are in most need of our kindness… and yet they receive it the least because they have no way to immediately repay it. When kindness is only shown for the sake of repayment, it becomes an investment and is no longer true kindness. Our true measure of kindness is shown in how we treat those who will never repay us.
14. Love for enemies. Anybody can love a friend. Anybody can love those who treat us well… and everybody does. But it takes a special type of person to extend love towards those who treat us unjustly.
15. Optimism towards others. See the good in everyone. There is simply no way to bring out the best in others if you haven’t seen it first.
16. Perseverance in failure. Failure reveals much about our heart. It reveals our character, our humility, and our perseverance. We will all at some point face failure. And those who get back up and try again ought to be esteemed in our mind.
17. Purity in opportunity. While character is revealed in solitude and integrity is revealed in the details, purity is revealed in the face of opportunity. When dishonest gain (money, power, sex, etc.) presents itself, those who choose purity ought to be praised. Not only do they personally sleep better at night, but they make this world a better place for all of us.
18.Respect for authority. Authority brings order to a world of disorder. Certainly there are numerous examples throughout history (and today) of proper timing in overthrowing authority that oppresses its subjects. But in most cases, authority brings reason and order… and it should be allowed to do so.
19. Responsibility for mistake. From the weakest to the strongest, we all love to pass the blame. I can see it in my 5-year old daughter and I can see it in my government leaders. We are a people that are slow to accept responsibility for our mistakes. This is unfortunate. Because only those who can admit their mistakes have the opportunity to learn from them.
20. Self-control in addiction. We are a people that too often give control of our most precious asset to another. We fall under the influence of substances, possessions, or entertainment. When we do, our life is no longer our own. And those who retain self-control in the face of addiction ought to be recognized as unique and judged accordingly.
And when we all begin to properly esteem, champion, and follow those who lead from the inside… we will make far less mistakes in choosing who to follow.

  Wonderful Blog by Joshua Becker - becomingminimalist

Colorful Abstract Greeting Cards Red Green
Colorful Abstract Wall Art Green Red
On Fine Art America :

                     Drinka Mercep on Fine Art America 
Colorful Abstract Art Green Red Wall Art Prints
Colorful Abstract Art Red Green Wall Art Prints
Colorful Abstract Art Green Red Wall Art Prints
Strawberries oil on canvas - Jagode ulje na platnu
Prints of this painting are on Fine Art America :

Naša tajna - Desanka Maksimović

O tebi necu govoriti ljudima.
Necu im reci da li si mi samo poznanik bio
ili prijatelj drag;
... ... ...  
Ja vise volim da precutane
odemo ona i ja
tamo gde istom svetloscu sja
i zora i noc i dan;
tamo gde su podjednako tople
i sreca i bol ziva;
tamo gde je od istog vecnog tkiva
i covek i njegov san.

уторак, 27. новембар 2012.

 Google, Anonymous and European MPs join forces for a Free and Open Internet 
Taken from :  Knowledge of Today

“A free and open world depends on a free and open Internet. Governments alone, working behind closed doors, should not direct its future. The billions of people around the globe who use the Internet should have a voice.” -Google
Between December 3rd and December 17th, the world's governments are meeting behind closed doors at the UN's International Telecommunications Union (ITU) to discuss the future of the Internet. Some governments want to use this meeting in Dubai to increase censorship and regulate the Internet. They want to to review the current structure of online services, and to secure “the free flow of information around the world, promoting affordable and equitable access for all”. But according to recent reports, mostly in the Russian press, there is now a move by some countries to switch control to a UN agency.

 It is ours and it is free. A free and open world depends on a free and open web. And a free and open web depends on me. Tell the world's governments you support a free and open web!

The United Nations should not be allowed to 'take over the Internet', European MPs have urged. MPs voted in favour of a resolution which said the move would “negatively impact the internet, its architecture, operations, content and security, business relations, internet governance and the free flow of information online”. Russia and other countries are reportedly worried that some element of control over a vital communications network is in the 'hands' of one nation. In a leaked document online, Russian officials said:

“Member states shall have equal rights to manage the internet, including in regard to the allotment, assignment and reclamation of internet numbering, naming, addressing and identification resources and to support for the operation and development of basic internet infrastructure.”

Currently the Internet is controlled by a range of groups, many based in the United States. They include
ICANN, which is a nonprofit group in California that maintains the web address system on behalf of the US government.

“Some proposals could permit governments to censor legitimate speech or even allow them to cut off Internet access, other proposals would require services like YouTube, Facebook, and Skype to pay new tolls in order to reach people across borders. This could limit access to information particularly in emerging markets.” ~Google.

 Related Posts


Pledge your support for the free and open Internet:

“A free and open world depends on a free and open Internet. Governments alone, working behind closed doors, should not direct its future. The billions of people around the globe who use the Internet should have a voice.”

Pledge your support for the free and open Internet:

“A free and open world depends on a free and open Internet. Governments alone, working behind closed doors, should not direct its future. The billions of people around the globe who use the Internet should have a voice.”

Pledge your support for the free and open Internet:

“A free and open world depends on a free and open Internet. Governments alone, working behind closed doors, should not direct its future. The billions of people around the globe who use the Internet should have a voice.”

Mihailo Merćep - Serb flight pioneer, Serb from Herzegovina (uncle of my father in law)

 Михаило Мерћеп

 Wikipedia :
Mihailo Merćep (Dubrovnik, 1864 – Belgrade 1937), Serb flight pioneer.
Born in Dubrovnik in a tradesman family, then a part of Austria-Hungary, Merćep started his primary education in Kladovo, Serbia and finished on the other side of the Danube in Turn-Severin (today Drobeta-Turnu Severin in Romania), He returned to his native town in 1878 where he worked as a merchant though his main interests lay in photography.
At the beginning of the 1880s he moved to Belgrade where he was one of the co-founders of the first Serbian velocipede society (1884). In 1893 he embarked on a spectacular bicycle journey: he was to ride his bike from Belgrade to Chicago (with ship transport from Hamburg to New York) to be there in time for the World Expo and second world championship in bicyclism. In Chicago Merćep witnessed some attempts of flying. Next four years he spent in Dallas where he embarked on a cyclist career. In 1897 he returned to Serbia this time cycling from Dallas to New York and again from Hamburg to Belgrade. In 1898 Merćep joined with the Belgrade cycling champion publisher Sveta Savić and actor Ljuba Stanojević and together they cycled through “Serb Lands”: across Bosnia and Herzegovina to Montenegro and then across Boka Kotorska to Dubrovnik.
At the beginning of the 20th century Merćep moved to Zagreb where he opened a photo studio. Apart from cycling he was now also in motorcycling and cars, organizing some of the first car “tours” in Croatia. In one cycling race he met Slovene Edvard Rusjan, who was also interested in airplanes. Since in Rusjan was already close to finishing his biplane EDA I that flew on 25 November 1909 - an event marked as the first flight of any South Slav. During 1910 Edvard Rusjan built seven more planes with various successes. After Merćep gave Rusjan the much needed financial help, they joined in and built a hangar in Zagreb where Merćep planned a production of aircraft for the market. A supplemented variant of EDA VI was named Merćep-Rusjan. This monoplane proved to be far better than the previous and rose to a record height of 28 meters, 4 meters above the previous maximum achieved by Louis Bleriot. With this height Rusjan was able to make a flight over Zagreb in late 1910. However, the first Serbian air meeting in Belgrade in January 1911 was fatal for Rusjan. Merćep continued work with Edvard's brother Josip and produced three more aircraft in which they trained pilots and gave many performances across Austria-Hungary. Merćep's success was crowned in 1912 when he was declared the best pilot of the Empire.
In the meantime Merćep became the member of Serb Sokol association in Zagreb (1909). After the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in 1914, Merćep was jailed as a declared Serb nationalist. After six months and many interventions of his friends he was out of prison only to find out that his hangar and workshop have been destroyed by the anti-Serb mob. This was the last of Merćep’s pilot and constructionist career.
After the Great War, Merćep initiated the founding of aero club in Zagreb in 1925 and was one of the founders of the Aero-Club of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes in the same year.


Zastita autorskih prava na Internetu (Kratak je zivot da ja ovo sve shvatim - Drinka Mercep. Nije mi bila namera ni u jednom trenutku da ugrozim bilo cija autorska prava. Ako sam to ucinila, bilo je iz neznanja ili nesvesno. Ako neko primeti da sam to ucinila, molim da me upozori. Hvala !)

Википедија:Неслободан садржај

Из Википедије, слободне енциклопедије
Доктрина поштене или правичне употребе (fair use) је инститиција закона о ауторским правима Сједињених Америчких Држава која омогућава законито, нелиценцирано укључивање цитата или материјала заштићених ауторским правима у дело другог аутора. Овај термин је јединствен за Сједињене Државе; сличан принцип fair dealing (правично руковање) је познат у неким другим државама. Закон о регистрованим заштитним знаковима (trademark) САД-а такође познаје доктрину истог имена, мада не и садржаја (та доктрина се заправо знатно разликује од ове).
Смисао поштене употребе је да боље илуструје чланак, али не и да га украшава. Пре него што пожелите да пошаљете неку слику под поштеном употребом, размислите колико она уоште доприноси чланку.
Чланак још треба допунити, тако да се овдје тренутно не налазе потпуне информације


Уобичајене заблуде у вези са поштеном употребом

Будући да постоји намјерна двосмисленост у вези са поштеном употребом, често је погрешно схваћена. Слиједе неки од примјера, уобичајених заблуда са објашњењем.

Дјело је већ заштићено ауторским правима стога се може користити под условима о поштеној употреби.

Поштена употреба је скуп услова под којима се заштићено дјело може користити без дозволе. Ти услови су намјерно двосмислени. Они омогућавају некоме да користи дјело ако тиме не угрожава аутора, само дјело и власника/е ауторских права, или ако се сматра да такво кориштење може донијети неку врсту добробити аутору у смислу промоције и сл. Ако дјело није заштићено (значи нико не посједује ауторска права над дјелом - предато је у јавно власништво), онда се може користити без освртања на ауторска права и услове о поштеној употреби.

Стављајући до знања поријекло дјела и податке о аутору, дјело се може користити.

Може помоћи али није довољно само за себе. На примјер, сам чин плагирања је предмет којим се бави професионална етика а не закони о ауторским правима чији је задатак да заштите одређено створено дјело али не и идеје. Није сигурно да нисмо прекршили ауторска права ако дословно не цитирамо неко дјело или га модификујемо за наше потребе. Једноставно можемо прекршити ауторска права дјела које није заштићено ако то дјело долази из извора који јесте заштићен.

У некомерцијалне сврхе, дјело се безусловно може користити поштеном употребом.

Нетачно. Могуће је да постоји нека врста мотива (дјело се користи за личну, или било коју другу врсту користи), гдје се аутору или власнику ауторских права могу угрозити новчани приходи од тог дјела.

Недостатак података о заштити ауторских права значи да је дјело у јавном власништву.

То није увијек правило. На примјер: у законима САД, који важе од 1. марта 1989. г., ауторска права се аутоматски примјењују на новостворена дјела. Дјела која су створена, у периоду између 1. јануара 1978. и 1. марта 1989. г., потребно је пријавити у надлежним институцијама, да је дјело под заштитом или подложно рестрикцијама ауторских права. Међутим, није потребно регистровање, чиме се отежава установљавање поријекла и аутора.

Види још

Википедија:Критеријуми за неслободни садржај
Colorful Abstracts Red and Green Art Prints and Posters
 Prodaja Umetnickih Koloristickih Apstraktnih Printova i Postera
Office and Home Wall Decorations Colorful Art Prints 
Green and Red, Cool Abstract Art For Sale

Printovi i Posteri za prodaju : Raznobojni / Koloristicki stampani u formatu A4 i A3 i A5 na kunsdruk papiru, gotovi za ramljenje. 
Cena :
A4 - 3,5
A3 - 4,5
A5 - 2 € 

Cena printova se smanjuje u zavisnosti od kolicine narucenih.
Postarinu placa kupac.
Za sve dodatne informacije  mozete mi se obratiti na - mercepdrinka@gmail.com   
                     Drinka Mercep on Fine Art America 
Colorful Abstract Red Green Art Prints
Colorful Abstract Green Red Art Prints and Posters
Colorful Abstract Red Green Art Prints and Posters
Colorful Abstract Green Red Art Prints and Posters
Colorful Abstract Red Green Art Prints and Posters
Colorful Abstract Green Red Art Prints and Posters
Colorful Abstract Red Green Art Prints and Posters
Colorful Abstract Red Green Art Prints and Posters

 Colorful Abstract Red Green Art Prints and Posters
Colorful Abstract Green Red Art Prints and Posters
Colorful Abstract Green Red Art Prints and Posters
Colorful Abstract Red Green Art Prints and Posters
Colorful Abstract Green Red Art Prints and Posters
Colorful Abstract Red Green Art Prints and Posters
Colorful Abstract Red Green Art Prints and Posters

понедељак, 26. новембар 2012.

Office Decorations - Black and White Art Prints for Sale - Dekoracija Kancelarija i Poslovnog Prostora
Prodaja umetnickih grafika printova i postera
Cool Black and White Art Prints for Sale
Printovi i Posteri za prodaju : Crno-Beli i Crno-Belo-Crveni stampani u formatu A4 i A3 i A5 na kunsdruk papiru, gotovi za ramljenje.
Cena :

A4 - 3
A3 - 4
     A5 - 1,5 € 
Cena printova se smanjuje u zavisnosti od kolicine narucenih.
Postarinu placa kupac.
Za sve dodatne informacije  mozete mi se obratiti na - mercepdrinka@gmail.com   
Ponudu od preko 400 printova mozete videti na 
All prints you can see on :
Drinka Mercep on Fine Art America   
http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=180634 » http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=179581 » http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=209272 » http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=177118 » http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=178806 » http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=178807 » http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=199884 » http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=199880 » http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=177900 » http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=178122 » http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=177902 » http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=199884 »
Ovo je adresa  galerije na Fine Art America

недеља, 25. новембар 2012.

Prodaja Umetnickih Minimalistickih Printova i Postera za Zidove
Crno Beli i Crno Belo Crveni 
Black White Red Minimalisti Abstract Pattern Art Prints and Posters
Dekor za Vase zidove : Printovi i Posteri - Op Art, Minimalizam, Geometrijske Apstrakcije, Mustre, Amblemi, Ornamenti.

Za sve dodatne informacije  mozete mi se obratiti na - mercepdrinka@gmail.com   
Ponudu od preko 600 printova mozete videti na 
Drinka Mercep on Fine Art America   
http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=180634 » http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=179581 » http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=209272 » http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=177118 » http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=178806 » http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=178807 » http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=199884 » http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=199880 » http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=177900 » http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=178122 » http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=177902 » http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/drinkamercep.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=199884 »
Ovo je adresa  galerije na Fine Art America
Minimalizam, Minimalism,Minimalistic Art
Minimalizam, Minimalism, Minimalistic Art, Geometric Art, Abstract Art, Geometrijske Apstrakcije za Vase zidove
Minimalism, Minimalizam, Geometrijske Apstrakcije, Printovi i Posteri za Vase zidove
Black and White Pattern Art Prints and Poster, Geometrijske Apstrakcije dekor za Vase zidove
Geometric Patterns, Geometric Abstract artwork, Printovi i Posteri dekor za Vas prostor
Black White Red Abstract Art, Apstrakti za Vase zidove
Black and White Op Art Ornament Prints ans Posters
Minimalizam, Minimalism, Emblems, Ornamenti za Vase zidove, Printovi i Posteri
Dekor za Vas poslovni prostor
Crno Belo Crveni Minimalisticki Printovi I Posteri za Zidove
Black White Red Minimalist Prints and Posters for Walls
Minimalizam, Minimalism, Abstract Artwork, Apstraktni Posteri za Vase zidove.
Abstract Artwork, Apstraktni Posteri i Printovi za Vas prostor
Crno Belo Crveni Minimalisticki Printovi i Posteri za Zidove
Black White Red Minimalist Prints and Posters for Walls
Dekor za Vase zidove. Printovi i Posteri za Vas prostor
Op Art, Geometrijske Apstrakcije za Vase zidove
Op Art i Geometrijske Apstrakcije za Vase zidove
Minimalism and Op Art for your walls. Decor for you home and office.
Op Art Printovi i Posteri za Vase zidove.
Geometrijske Apstrakcije za Vas poslovni prostor.
Najjednostavniji nacin da promenite' nesto' u svom okruzenju :))
Geometrijske Apstrakcije, Posteri i Printovi za Vase zidove
Dekor za Vas poslovni prostor Printovi i Posteri, Minimalizam, Geometrijske Apstrakcije, Op Art
Geometrijske Apstrakcije za Vase zidove, Crno Belo Crveni Printovi i Posteri
Op Art Posteri i Printovi za Vase zidove
Minimalizam Posteri i Printovi
Geometrijske Mustre Posteri i Printovi 
Geometric Artwork, Geometric Abstract, Patterns for your walls.
Minimalism, Minimalistic Art for your walls
Original Abstract Artwork
Black White Red Minimalist Prints and Posters for Walls
Crno Belo Crvei Minimalisticki Printovi i Posteri za Zidove
Black White Red Minimalist Prints and Posters for Walls
Crno Belo Crveni Minimalisticki Printovi I Posteri za Zidove
I vise od 400 umetnickih printova za prodaju mozete videti na :
Drinka Mercep on Fine Art America

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