среда, 15. август 2012.

Crno Beli printovi na papiru

"Everything Changes
When You Start To Emit
Your Own Frequency
Rather Than Absorbing
The Frequencies Around You.
When You Start
Imprinting Your Intent
On The Universe
Rather Than Receiving An Imprint From Existence."
~ Barbara Marciniak ♥

 "Magic happens when you tell the universe what you want it to do for you;
 miracles happen when you ask how you can be of service to the universe."
~ Marianne Williamson ~ ♥
Ex-pression is the opposite of de-pression. Whenever we de-press, we usually need to ex-press. Tune your channel to creativity and let the goodness flow out of you.
Gary Zukav

 Other images you can find on 
Fine Art America
Printovi su štampani na kunsdruk papiru, format A4, gotovi za ramljenje, cena 3 EU. Kontakt : mercepdrinka@gmail.com

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